Every 50,000 miles a car needs an oil change
to stay in top condition. While it is up on the lift they do a bit of an
inspection to let you know if anything is out of the ordinary. It is tempting
to let an oil change go but you know that you are in for trouble if you do. The
same goes for an annual exam, you know you should go but it is very tempting to
put it off. Why would you take care of your car better then you take care of
A routine check-up is
an opportunity to see the doctor when you are well. Many things can
be detected early when the doctor is giving you a once over and not focused on
something that is ‘broken’. Some people actually like the annual exam because
it confirms that you are as healthy as you feel. Many people feel they get more
out of an exam if they come with a list of questions. During the weeks before
jot down any question that come to mind and bring the list. It is pretty easy
to forget things when you are in a paper gown.
you have been skipping your exam here is a quick list of what may be checked:
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Resting temperature
Memory and mental
Skin and extremity
Throat and tonsils
Teeth and gums
Ears, nose, sinuses,
eyes, lymph nodes, thyroid
Nerves, muscle
strength, reflexes, balance, are all checked
Gender dictates some
specific checks.
Depending on the last
time you had it; cholesterol, colorectal screening, and a few other blood tests
might be ordered.
a benchmark on all these stats yearly help show a pattern of your personal
normal health that is very important if you ever do become sick. A year over
year review can also show things that sneak up on you like a mole that has
gotten bigger so slowly you never even noticed.
theme of an annual exam should be prevention. This is the time that you and
your doctor should discuss not just how to prevent further deterioration but
how to get MORE HEALTHY. Each of us is in a different place physically and
mentally but there is always room for improvement. Take the opportunity to ask
the doctor what they recommend for improving your health, they might be
pleasantly surprised at the question since so many people are just looking for
status quo.
you are scheduling your annual physical exam don’t forget an appointment with
the eye doctor and any other specialist you are supposed to check in with. If
this is a chore for you, schedule a treat to look forward to. Even if it is not
a chore, scheduling a treat is good for you too. Remember, an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure.